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Capital Campaign
$750,000 Capital Campaign
This past year was a pivotal year for the chapter. Under the leadership of the Prytanis Eli Jones and the other officers, they were able to erase a debt to TKE HQ of more than $18,000 through fund raising and proper budgeting. They also worked diligently on improving their reputation both on campus and in the community.
The chapter participated in Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes benefitting the Rape Crisis Center. They were able to raise more money than any other campus organization. This past May, they ended the year with 43 actives, of which five were graduating. The Chapter GPA was 2.80, placing them 4th on campus.
TKE International Conclave was held in Washington, DC. They received numerous accolades including Honorable Mentions for Recruitment, Philanthropy, and Chapter Management, culminating with the Most Improved Chapter Award.
Many of the members spent the fall working with Chapter Advisor Bill Rhodes preparing for rush, social and philanthropic events. As of this writing, they have initiated 17 new members, bringing the chapter total to 55.
As you know, this is the first time in more than 50 years they are operating without a house. The membership is reviewing all parts of chapter operations and learning new ways to enhance each member's fraternal experience.
They are very excited about the new Board of Control and their involvement not only with the chapter membership but their positives attitudes about a new house... the future of Beta Rho.

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