BP Alumni Association
Beta Rho Chapter of TKE at the University of Akron (formerly Buchtel College) started in 1947 as a colony of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Many of this initial group were returning veterans from WWII attending the university on the GI Bill and through their camaraderie they had desire to start a fraternity and chose TKE based on the values and ideals of the fraternity. One year later this group grew quickly and was initiated as a chapter of TKE on September 18, 1948. Since that time Beta Rho Chapter has been one of the outstanding chapters in TKE with a total chapter membership in excess of 1700 men. They have won numerous awards over these years - winning the coveted Top TKE chapter award 17 times (this is the second most awards in all TKE chapters). These awards signify the excellence in chapter operations, philanthropy, and values of TKE. 2023 is the 75th year of continuous operation of the Beta Rho chapter and truly has strived to actively live TKE values to create “Better Men for a Better World”. We look forward to continuing this legacy for another 75 years!

The Beta Rho Alumni Association is a chartered organization of Tau Kappa Epsilon with the express purpose to uphold the general welfare, campus prestige, and the scholastic, personnel, and educational interests of the Beta Rho Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon” (Bylaws). Also, at each Conclave of TKE The alumni Association is a voting member of the Grand Chapter with 1 vote. The active Chapter is also a voting member with 2 votes.
Every initiated member of the Beta Rho Chapter, upon leaving college shall automatically become a member of this association, and his membership shall continue until his death, unless he is expelled or suspended from Tau Kappa Epsilon. It is the duty of each alumnus member to become, at the earliest possible time, a member of the alumni association and/or a member of the alumni association located within a reasonable distance of the member’s residence”. (TKE Blackbook, Bylaws)
Membership dues in the amount of $10 (or more) per year will be solicited but these will be voluntary, and non-payment will have no effect on membership status. The purpose of these dues is to support Alumni activities and goals of the association.
Activities and Goals of the BP Alumni Association
2 BeeP newsletters a year (Fall and Spring)
Raising funds through dues & Alumni events for alumni activities, communication, and programs for the chapter. Raise at least $5000 per year.
Annual Beta Rho Golf Outing
Scholarship/Award Programs for the undergraduates
Up-to-date alumni address List